Beat the Chafe: How To Prevent Chafing When Working Out

Chafe Free


If you're a woman who has to deal with chafing, we understand your pain. Chafing can happen anywhere but commonly occurs on your inner thighs and under the breasts and arms. When you chafe, your skin gets painful and red and may even bleed or blister. When you work up a sweat walking and running, the moisture combined with the repetitive rubbing causes painful friction. As your sweat evaporates, the salt crystals can cause more grit.

Why Do We Chafe?

Chafing occurs due to friction and moisture. Any rubbing against your skin can cause it to turn red, sting or burn. In mild cases, a rash may occur, or you may suffer swelling and bleeding in more severe cases.

Runners are especially prone to skin irritation. Additionally, hot weather increases the risk because you sweat more. However, in cold and dry weather, your skin may have a higher likelihood of being irritated.

How Do We Prevent Chafing When Exercising?

Your prevention strategy depends on where the chafing occurs. If you do a lot of walking or running, you probably experience the majority of irritation on your inner thighs. We have tips to keep your skin healthy and smooth.

Wear Snug Clothing

It may be tempting to wear loose-fitting clothes when working out. Loose clothing may seem cooler, but it won't help you as much as a good, moisture-wicking fabric. When you wear cotton, the material retains moisture and may keep your skin feeling damp throughout the routine. Choose a workout fit that breathes. Clothing designed for athletes and working out is best.

Bike or compression shorts provide a tight fit that prevents irritation. For your upper body, choose tight polypropylene or spandex tops. Check the seams of your clothes to ensure they are smooth and flat in the areas where you tend to chafe.

Keep Skin Dry

The best way to keep your skin from breaking out, or from friction leaving rashes and abrasions, is to keep your skin dry. This doesn't mean you should not moisturize. In fact, your skin should be moisturized regularly and you should drink plenty of water to keep your skin in a healthy state.

Instead, keep your skin dry before workouts or in areas prone to sweating. Apply a talc-free body powder or cornstarch to keep your body dry. Cornstarch may have antibacterial properties to help prevent infections. If you have sensitive skin, use unscented powders.

Apply Lubrication

Before you put on bike shorts or tights, use a lubricant in areas likely to chafe. Oils and creams reduce friction and protect your skin. If you have smooth skin that friction glides over, you can say goodbye to irritation.

If you need help to prevent painful, miserable thighs, we have a solution. Chub Rub is a natural anti-chafe stick for women of all shapes and sizes. No matter if you're in the middle of a sweltering summer or cold winter run, Chub Rub keeps your skin smooth, soft and irritation-free. We use a chemical-free formula full of natural ingredients to soothe, energize and moisturize your skin along with providing protection.

Anti-chafe sticks aren't just for your thighs, either. Use them anywhere you experience rubbing skin: on your chest, under your arms or around the bra band. With Chub Rub, you can continue to wear whatever you want, whether that's dresses, swimwear or any fashion items. We also offer Bust Balm specifically for bust-chafing and sticks for blister prevention.

Use Home Remedies

You can combine the use of our anti-chafe stick with a variety of home remedies. Any of these solutions may help moisturize your skin and help you avoid the chafe.

Argan Oil

There is evidence that argan oil may improve your skin's hydration and elasticity. It also relaxes and softens your skin. Many beauty products use argan oil to increase your skin's health. This oil comes from the oil of kernels from the Argania Spinosa tree. However, since the ingredient is grown nearly exclusively in Morocco, it may be a more pricy remedy.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil may be effective in reducing inflammation and encouraging wound healing. One of the more serious complications of friction irritation is infection. Coconut oil may prevent harmful bacteria from growing on the skin or causing an infection.

When you use coconut oil, keep in mind that it does have soothing properties but does not stay on the skin for too long. You have to reapply it regularly or use Chub Rub or Bust Balm, which include coconut oil.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most popular skin remedies and has been used by people for centuries. This plant extract has antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel may improve your skin's integrity and healing. An added benefit of aloe vera is that it does not stain as most oils do.

Not only do we encourage the use of aloe vera gel on the skin, but we include it in many of our products. Our Chub Rub, Blister Anti-Friction Stick and Friction Anti-Chafe Stick all utilize aloe in the formula.

How Can You Stop the Chafe?

Once you know how to prevent chafing, it's time to heal. Most chafing heals in a couple of days. If possible, leave the area exposed at night to let the rash breathe. If you have blistering and abrasions, petroleum jelly and coverings can protect your skin it heals.

Do not use harsh chemicals on chafed skin. Peroxide and iodine may hinder the process and hurt worse. To clean chafed areas, you need mild soap, water or a saline solution. Try not to soak yourself in a hot shower because hot water may dehydrate your skin and make it worse. Once clean, pat yourself dry and use cold packs for any pain or irritation.

Our skincare solutions are for every body and every size. Our products use all-natural, organic ingredients to nourish your skin and prevent irritation. For questions about our products, contact us at Zone Naturals. We can help you beat the chafe.




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